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  • Church and Chapel [Parish Pack]
  • Clenham Mill, date unknown.
  • Conservation Area Appraisal Extract - 2007
  • Foundation Stone Laying - Salway Ash Church - 1887
  • Holy Trinity, Salway Ash. Interior from a postcard by Cla...
  • Inventory of Historical Monuments in Dorset - 1952
  • National Heritage List for Netherbury - 2020
  • New Inn Street before 1901
  • Petrol Filling Station - 1950
  • Re-opening of the Independent Chapel - 1882
  • St Mary's Church & steps, Netherbury - 1906
  • The Mill, Netherbury.
  • The New Congregational Chapel, Waytown.
  • The Old Rectory - 1905
  • The Rectory & War Memorial - 1922
  • The Redes
  • Unveiling of the Netherbury War Memorial - c1920
  • A Young Man and his Sweetheart - 1903
  • Admiral Sir Dudley North
  • An Extraordinary Case From Netherbury - 1890
  • Concealment of birth at Netherbury - 1869
  • James Cleall
  • Love Laughs At Locksmiths - 1864
  • More Cottages Burnt Down - 1893
  • Nuisance at Netherbury - 1872
  • Oldest newspaper article - 1726
Data, Records, Lists
  • Census - 1841
  • Census - 1851
  • Census - 1861
  • Census - 1871
  • Census - 1881
  • Census - 1891
  • Census - 1901
  • Church of England Baptism Registers - 1695-1904
  • Church of England Burial Registers - 1585-1994
  • Church of England Marriage Registers - 1592-1921
  • Harrod's Directory, Dorset & Wiltshire - 1865
  • Hunt & Co's Directory of Dorset, etc. - 1851
  • Internet Archive search - 2024
  • Inventory of Historical Monuments in Dorset - 1952
  • Kelly's Directory, Dorsetshire - 1880
  • Kelly's Directory, Dorsetshire - 1895
  • Kelly's Directory, Dorsetshire - 1903
  • Kelly's Directory, Dorsetshire - 1911
  • Kelly's Directory, Dorsetshire - 1915
  • Kelly's Directory, Dorsetshire - 1920
  • Kelly's Directory, Dorsetshire - 1927
  • Kelly's Directory, Dorsetshire - 1931
  • National Archive search - 2020
  • National Heritage List for Netherbury - 2020
  • Netherbury Baptisms Analysis
  • Parish & Civil Records [Parish Pack]
  • PO Directory Dorsetshire & Wilts - 1849
  • PO Directory Dorsetshire - 1859
  • PO Directory Hants, Wilts & Dorsetshire - 1855
  • PO Directory Hants, Wilts & Dorsetshire - 1875
  • Tithe Apportionment - 1839
  • Tithe Apportionment Analysis - 1839
  • Unveiling of the Netherbury War Memorial - c1920
  • Education [Parish Pack]
  • Hutchin's History 1: Netherbury Parish - 1774
  • Memories of an evacuee - 1939
  • Stonehouse
  • The Grammar School - 1894
  • Bingham's Farm sale - 1766
  • Bridge Street properties for sale - 1874
  • Cyril Poole
  • Estates in the Market - 1919
  • Henry Combe Compton
  • Henry Combe Compton.
  • Hutchin's History 1: Netherbury Parish - 1774
  • Hutchin's History 2: Ashe Tithing - 1774
  • Hutchins’ History 3: Bowood Tithing - 1774
  • Hutchins’ History 4: Melplash Tithing - 1774
  • Hutchins’ History 5: Netherbury Tithing - 1774
  • Lower Strode Auction - 1872
  • Netherbury Water Question - 1934
  • Serious Farm Fire - 1892
  • White Cross Farm sale - 1829
For Sale
  • Betty Shier
  • Bingham's Farm sale - 1766
  • Bridge Street properties for sale - 1874
  • Clenham Mill: Contents sale - 1810
  • Clenham Mill: To be let - 1810
  • Elizabeth Shier
  • Estates in the Market - 1919
  • Harriet Shier
  • Hempland House Auction - 1932
  • Lower Strode Auction - 1872
  • The wrong plots. Myrtle Cottage 1869-1910
  • To Grocers, Drapers, and Others - 1867
  • To Innkeepers and Others - 1884
  • White Cross Farm sale - 1829
  • Bridge Street properties for sale - 1874
  • Conservation Area Appraisal Extract - 2007
  • Estates in the Market - 1919
  • Footfalls
  • Hempland House Auction - 1932
  • Hutchin's History 1: Netherbury Parish - 1774
  • Hutchin's History 2: Ashe Tithing - 1774
  • Hutchins’ History 3: Bowood Tithing - 1774
  • Hutchins’ History 4: Melplash Tithing - 1774
  • Hutchins’ History 5: Netherbury Tithing - 1774
  • Inventory of Historical Monuments in Dorset - 1952
  • Japonica Cottage
  • Jasmine Cottage
  • Lower Strode Auction - 1872
  • Myrtle Cottage
  • Myrtle Cottage, on the left - 1906
  • National Heritage List for Netherbury - 2020
  • Netherbury's second Post Office, building now replaced by...
  • New Inn Street before 1901
  • Nuisance at Netherbury - 1872
  • St James Road, looking North - 1906
  • Stonehouse
  • Stumps Cottage
  • The Great Fire of Netherbury - 1892
  • The Great Fire of Netherbury - The Aftermath
  • The High Street (now St James Rd) looking south from near...
  • The Memory Box at The White Cottage
  • The Mill, Netherbury.
  • The Old Cottage
  • The Old Rectory - 1905
  • The Rectory & War Memorial - 1922
  • The Redes
  • The Redes and Stones' Shop
  • The White Cottage
  • The wrong plots. Myrtle Cottage 1869-1910
  • Tithe Apportionment - 1839
  • Whitecross Fire - 1890
  • William Tizzard
  • Yew Tree Cottage
  • Land owned by the Denziloe family in the village.
  • Old Ordnance Survey maps of Netherbury - 1886-1903
  • Parish Tithe Map - 1835
  • Paths, Ways & Roads
  • The Post Offices of Netherbury Village 1849-1981
  • The wrong plots. Myrtle Cottage 1869-1910
  • Village Tithe Map - 1835
  • A Housemaid who understands her work - 1892
  • Admiral Sir Dudley North
  • An Extraordinary Case From Netherbury - 1890
  • Ann Pye
  • Betty Shier
  • Concealment of birth at Netherbury - 1869
  • Cyril Poole
  • Declaration of Mr Edward Tolley as to heirship of
  • Effie Read's Wedding Party - 1907
  • Elizabeth Shier
  • Fanny Whetham
  • Flora Pye
  • Harriet Shier
  • Harrod's Directory, Dorset & Wiltshire - 1865
  • Henry Combe Compton
  • Henry Combe Compton.
  • Hunt & Co's Directory of Dorset, etc. - 1851
  • Hutchin's History 1: Netherbury Parish - 1774
  • Hutchin's History 2: Ashe Tithing - 1774
  • Hutchins’ History 3: Bowood Tithing - 1774
  • Hutchins’ History 4: Melplash Tithing - 1774
  • Hutchins’ History 5: Netherbury Tithing - 1774
  • Hutchins’ History 6: Charities - 1774
  • James Cleall
  • James Dunning
  • John A Pye
  • John Denziloe
  • John Pye
  • John Travers
  • Kelly's Directory, Dorsetshire - 1880
  • Kelly's Directory, Dorsetshire - 1895
  • Kelly's Directory, Dorsetshire - 1903
  • Kelly's Directory, Dorsetshire - 1911
  • Kelly's Directory, Dorsetshire - 1915
  • Kelly's Directory, Dorsetshire - 1920
  • Kelly's Directory, Dorsetshire - 1927
  • Kelly's Directory, Dorsetshire - 1931
  • Love Laughs At Locksmiths - 1864
  • Mary (Polly) Denziloe
  • Mary Prior
  • Mary Sergeant
  • Netherbury Water Question - 1934
  • One inquest, two deaths - 1890
  • PO Directory Dorsetshire & Wilts - 1849
  • PO Directory Dorsetshire - 1859
  • PO Directory Hants, Wilts & Dorsetshire - 1855
  • PO Directory Hants, Wilts & Dorsetshire - 1875
  • Re-opening of the Independent Chapel - 1882
  • Rev. Canon William Gildea
  • Rev. H. W. Yeatman's departure - 1879
  • Rev. H. W. Yeatman's induction - 1877
  • Rev. W. Gildea raises subscription - 1892
  • Rolf Gardiner
  • Sad Death of a Clergyman - 1892
  • Shocking Death by Burning - 1884
  • Sidney/Setnee Warr
  • Stephen Whetham (Snr)
  • The Great Fire of Netherbury - The Aftermath
  • The High Street (now St James Rd) looking south from near...
  • The Norths at Susan's wedding - 1946
  • Unveiling of the Netherbury War Memorial - c1920
  • Whitecross Fire - 1890
  • Will of Aaron Marsh - 1867
  • Will of Harriet Shier - 1868
  • Will of Mary Prior - 1883
  • William Le Gros Denziloe
  • William Read
  • William Tizzard
  • William Walbridge (Postmaster)
  • Effie Read's Wedding Party - 1907
  • Love Laughs At Locksmiths - 1864
  • Melplash Entertainment - 1892
  • Melplash Glee Party competing at Weymouth - 1931
  • A postcard of Bridge Street, looking East from just below...
  • Holy Trinity, Salway Ash. Interior from a postcard by Cla...
  • Melplash Glee Party competing at Weymouth - 1931
  • Myrtle Cottage, on the left - 1906
  • Netherbury's second Post Office, building now replaced by...
  • St James Road, looking North - 1906
  • St Mary's Church & steps, Netherbury - 1906
  • The High Street (now St James Rd) looking south from near...
  • The Mill, Netherbury.
  • The New Congregational Chapel, Waytown.
  • The Old Congregational Chapel, Waytown
  • The Old Rectory - 1905
  • The Rectory & War Memorial - 1922
  • The Weirs. A postcard published by B Walbridge, The Post ...
  • Unveiling of the Netherbury War Memorial - c1920
  • Church of England Burial Registers - 1585-1994
  • Concealment of birth at Netherbury - 1869
  • Declaration of Mr Edward Tolley as to heirship of
  • Hutchins’ History 6: Charities - 1774
  • Killed by a fall from cycle - 1925
  • Melancholy Case of Poisoning - 1858
  • One inquest, two deaths - 1890
  • Sad Death of a Clergyman - 1892
  • Serious Farm Fire - 1892
  • Shocking Death by Burning - 1884
  • Unveiling of the Netherbury War Memorial - c1920
  • Will of Aaron Marsh - 1867
  • Will of Hannah Clare - 1866
  • Will of Harriet Shier - 1868
  • Will of John Clare - 1797
  • Will of Mary Anna Denziloe - 1876
  • Will of Mary Prior - 1883
  • Will of Mary Serjeant - 1833
  • Will of Stephen Whetham - 1781
  • Will of William Stone - 1849
Trade & Industry
  • Betty Shier
  • Clenham Mill
  • Clenham Mill, date unknown.
  • Clenham Mill: Contents sale - 1810
  • Clenham Mill: To be let - 1810
  • Cyril Poole
  • Elizabeth Shier
  • Harriet Shier
  • Harrod's Directory, Dorset & Wiltshire - 1865
  • Hemp, Flax and Mills [Parish Pack]
  • Hunt & Co's Directory of Dorset, etc. - 1851
  • Japonica Cottage
  • Kelly's Directory, Dorsetshire - 1880
  • Kelly's Directory, Dorsetshire - 1895
  • Kelly's Directory, Dorsetshire - 1903
  • Kelly's Directory, Dorsetshire - 1911
  • Kelly's Directory, Dorsetshire - 1915
  • Kelly's Directory, Dorsetshire - 1920
  • Kelly's Directory, Dorsetshire - 1927
  • Kelly's Directory, Dorsetshire - 1931
  • Netherbury's second Post Office, building now replaced by...
  • Petrol Filling Station - 1950
  • PO Directory Dorsetshire & Wilts - 1849
  • PO Directory Dorsetshire - 1859
  • PO Directory Hants, Wilts & Dorsetshire - 1855
  • PO Directory Hants, Wilts & Dorsetshire - 1875
  • Postal Improvements - 1891
  • Rolf Gardiner
  • Telegraphic Communication - 1896
  • The Mill, Netherbury.
  • The Old Cottage
  • The Parish Post Offices 1849 - 2001
  • The Post Offices of Netherbury Village 1849-1981
  • The Redes
  • The Redes and Stones' Shop
  • The Weirs. A postcard published by B Walbridge, The Post ...
  • To Grocers, Drapers, and Others - 1867
  • To Innkeepers and Others - 1884
  • Trade & Services [Parish Pack]
  • William Read
  • Drainage at Netherbury - 1891
  • Killed by a fall from cycle - 1925
  • Petrol Filling Station - 1950
  • Admiral Sir Dudley North
  • Memories of an evacuee - 1939
  • Netherbury Home Guard outside Stonehouse
  • Rolf Gardiner
  • Sir Dudley Burton Napier North - 1936
  • Stonehouse
  • Unveiling of the Netherbury War Memorial - c1920
  • World Wars I & II [Parish Pack]