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DescriptionHead stone

Here lieth ye body of BETTY daughter of John & Mary Symes who dy'd Sept 9th 1760 aged 17. In the prime of youth by death was crush'd and now tis mould'ring in ye mother dust. Loving Father, Mother and Brother dear for death prepare. For ....d.... meeting. Also in memory of MARY wife of Thomas Pitcher & daughter of Henry & Jane Symes who died 18th March 1801 aged 36 years. Also in memory of Suckey Symes their suster .... June 1806. A time of death there is you know full well, but when or how no mortal man can tell. Be it night, noon now or then, death is most certain yet uncertain when.

NotesLocation: Yew block. Suckey Symes - she was baptised Sykey, buried Susannah.

NameDate of deathAgeResidence
Betty Symes9 Sep 176017
Mary Pitcher18 Mar 180136
Suckey (Susannah) SymesJun 180620

Transcription by Morag Curtis

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